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Splashing Right In (Crescent Key Book 2) Page 3
Splashing Right In (Crescent Key Book 2) Read online
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“You really are a great driver,” she mused.
“Well, lives and machines are to be respected equally. Ever since I was a kid, my dad always hammered that into my brain.”
The somber vibe he was putting off did not go unnoticed as she studied his face. Something felt oddly sad, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. “It sounds like cars have been pretty important in your life.”
“They are. My dad was a mechanic, and so was my grandfather and my great grandfather when my family moved here from Italy.”
Was. She noted the past tense he used about his dad and debated whether to ask the obvious question, or let it go and let him reveal the answer in time. She chose the latter.
“That’s quite the generational love.”
“Without a doubt. Some passions come and go, but some are meant to stay.”
♥ ♥ ♥
“We’re eating at Gio’s? Nice! I’ve been wanting to try their food!” Jenna’s mouth practically watered just looking at the sign.
“It’s worth every penny. Plus, it’s owned and operated by a pretty great guy,” he smirked.
She threw him an inquisitive look. “Someone you know, I take it?”
“Giovanni’s an old family friend. Great guy, and excellent food. You can’t go wrong with that.” Zach offered his hand as they stepped onto the boardwalk. “May I?”
She nodded, slipping her hand into his. A small crowd surrounded the outdoor eatery, and the delicious smell of food filled the air. Her stomach grumbled, and she clasped her hands to it, hoping Zach didn’t hear the embarrassing sound. A line was beginning to form, and Jenna’s stomach growled once more in anticipation.
“I’m sure they’ll get through it pretty quickly,” Zach noted.
She sure hoped so, considering it felt like her stomach was eating itself. Minutes later, they were at the window, and a tall, older man bumbled about behind the counter.
“Zach! Great to see ya. Who’s this lovely lady?”
“Gio, this is my new friend, Jenna. Jenna, this is Gio.”
“Nice to meet you,” she replied.
“A pleasure to meet you, too. So, Zach, how did you two meet?”
Had it been nighttime, his smile would’ve brightened the boardwalk to daytime sunshine. “We met down at the animal shelter, actually. Both of us happened to pop in there on the same day.”
“Almost like the planets aligned just for you two.” Gio placed the sandwiches on the counter. “Here you go, two of my signature sandwiches, and two fresh-squeezed lemonades. These are on the house, man. I’ll see you around. You take care, okay?”
“Thanks, man. You’re the best.”
They meandered their way through the throngs of beachgoers, dodging walkers, skateboarders, and bicyclists along the way until they finally arrived at one of the few remaining picnic tables.
“I think this is the best seat in the house,” Zach said.
“It’s practically the only one,” Jenna laughed. At least the beach was getting back to business as usual. It was exactly what Crescent Key needed. Taking a small bite of the sandwich, Jenna’s eyes lit up in a pleasant surprise. “This is really good. I can see why you love coming here.”
“Everything Gio does is made with love.”
Jenna nodded. “I can definitely see that. He’s a master.”
“You should see Onyx when I come home with Gio’s,” he laughed. “He hasn’t had a single scrap of people food so far, but he loves to beg for these sandwiches.”
She burst out laughing in surprise. “Are you serious?”
“I’m dead serious. He’s in love with the smell, I guess.”
“That’s so funny. You know, Toby doesn’t beg for human food at all.”
He took another bite of his sandwich. “You’re lucky. At least he leaves you alone at dinner time.”
And for that, Jenna was grateful. Her mind drifted back to when she lived at home, and the family cat they’d had. Chloe had been a wonderful cat, but she sat under the table begging for food like a dog during every meal she had with her family. Then again, it wasn’t a huge surprise given how often her mother dropped human food onto the floor, or into directly Chloe’s bowl.
“So, other than that, how are things going with Onyx?” Jenna asked.
He paused, taking a swig of his lemonade. “He’s doing really well. He seems a little lonely at times, though. I’m debating about getting another one so he could have somebody to play with during the day while I’m gone.”
Jenna’s mind drifted for a moment, looking to the future. Maybe someday Toby and Onyx could be friends. Maybe.
But she didn’t dare utter those words. What would be the sense of getting the cart before the horse?
“How do you know he’s lonely while you’re gone?”
“Well, I could tell you I have a really good hunch about these things, but…I have a camera in my house, and it sends me an alert every time he walks around.”
“Wow, helicopter pet parent, much?” she teased.
“Hey, I like to know what my son is doing at all times. That’s the only way to truly do pet parenting the right way.”
Jenna laughed, and she contemplated for a moment, wondering if she should invest in a camera as well. Come to think of it, it would be kind of fun to see what Toby was up to while she was away.
“So, how is Toby doing?” he asked. “Is he settling in well?”
“He’s doing great. I usually find him sleeping on the couch when I come home.”
“Don’t they sleep like eighteen hours a day, or something?”
Taking the final bite of her sandwich, she wadded the wrapper into a ball, batting it back and forth between her hands. “I think so. They’re interesting animals, that’s for sure.”
“Without a doubt. But they’re the coolest, too.”
♥ ♥ ♥
“So how was your lunch date?”
With a cleaning rag in hand, Jenna busied herself, dusting the displays in the windows. “It went really great. He actually seems like a genuine, compassionate, sweet guy.”
“Throwing around a lot of adjectives, aren’t you?” he joked.
“Perhaps. But, I really like him.”
Nolan grabbed a cleaning rag for himself, dusting down another display. “Good. I’m glad to hear it. Hopefully, things will stay that way.”
“I hope so. I’m tired of everything going great in the beginning only to have it blow up in the end.”
“The fall from grace is the hardest. But I don’t think you have anything to worry about. It sounds like he has a pretty good head on his shoulders.”
And boy, she sure hoped Nolan was right.
♥ ♥ ♥
Another day down.
Jenna kicked off her shoes, happy to finally be home. The day had slogged by after lunch, and the idle time left her mind wandering, drifting back to Zach. It was official: she couldn’t stop thinking about him.
Toby rubbed against her legs as he waited for her to drop another cup of food in his bowl. She went to the fridge, pulling out a container of leftovers, and tossed it in the microwave. While she waited for it to heat up, she cast her work clothes aside, finally slipping into her comfy pajamas.
Toby jumped on the couch, waiting patiently for Jenna to sit down, and she was amazed how quickly he’d settled into a nightly routine. Off in the distance, her phone pinged in her purse, and she headed back to the bedroom, eager to see who the message was from.
Please be from Zach.
Her eyes danced with happiness as she pulled out her phone, elated to see Zach had messaged her.
I’d love to schedule date #2 if you’re still interested.
Still interested? Like she would not be? She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him all day. Of course, she was still interested.
Absolutely. I would LOVE that. ;)
Hitting send, she dropped the phone into her robe pocket and darted to the kitchen to snag her dinner from the mic
rowave. With her bowl in her lap, she curled up on the couch and Toby snuggled against her, his eyes growing heavy by the light of the television.
Her phone pinged again, and her heart sank a little when she realized the new message wasn’t from Zach.
I have some great news! Call me.
Somehow, she wasn’t entirely certain her Mom really would have great news at all. Usually when she said that, she didn’t. Heaving a sigh, she muted the volume on the television, and dialed her, hoping it would be something she wanted to hear for once.
“I see you got my text, dear.”
Jenna pasted on a smile. True, her mother couldn’t see her, but perhaps if she faked a smile, she could fake a little happiness, too. “I did. So, what’s the good news?”
“You’ll never guess who’s single again,” she chirped.
“You’re right, I can’t guess,” she said through gritted teeth. She didn’t have the slightest clue, and truth be told, she didn’t care.
“Belinda’s son is back on the market, and you know her birthday party is coming up. It might be a great opportunity to talk to her and possibly get your foot in the door with Brent.”
If Jenna rolled her eyes any harder, they would’ve stayed there permanently, and she forced herself not to blow out a breath of sheer annoyance. Dear God, was there ever an end to her matchmaking?
“Mom, we’ve already been through this,” she said slowly. “I am not interested in anyone at the moment.” It was somewhat of a lie, and she told her the entire truth, it would mean an instant barrage of questions, most of which she wouldn’t be prepared to deal with.
She and Zach were still in the early stages of getting to know each other. She wouldn’t have all the answers yet, but by God, her mother would expect them all, and all at once.
“Honey, I really think you should talk to him. He sounds like a really nice guy.”
She squeezed her eyes shut, grasping to find the right words that wouldn’t set her mother off like a Hawaiian volcano. “Mom, I appreciate the thought, but I don’t need you to play matchmaker, okay? Just leave that to me.”
“Dear, if I leave it up to you, I won’t ever have any grandchildren.” The words stung Jenna’s ears. Her mother may have thought it was a lighthearted joke, but to her, it was a low blow and a punch to the gut that she didn’t need.
“I appreciate the concern, but I have to go. I’m sorry.”
She tossed the phone aside and ran her hands through Toby’s fur, feeling a pang of envy as she gazed down at him, lying peacefully on the couch without a care in the world.
Life was so much easier for a cat.
Overwhelmed with anticipation, Jenna sat at her desk, staring longingly out the window. Today was a new day, and perhaps this one would be busier. She would love that.
Her eyes drifted to the clock on the wall next to her. Ten fifteen. She still had a good hour or so before heading out to lunch. An idea pinged in her brain, and she pulled out her phone, ready to send a message to Zach. Another lunch date would be wonderful before the weekend.
She paused for a moment, placing the phone back down on the desk. What if she surprised him instead? He didn’t seem like the type that wouldn’t enjoy a surprise, so what harm could it possibly do?
He’d probably be thrilled to see her. Or at least, she hoped.
She tossed the phone into her bag. A surprise would have to do, and now she had even more of a reason to look forward to her lunch hour.
“This place sure has been quiet lately,” Nolan lamented.
Jenna whirled around, surprised to see him so melancholy. “Yes, it has. I don’t understand why, though. I mean, we’re right in the middle of peak season. We should be getting more foot traffic than we are.”
Nolan sat his empty coffee cup down on the desk. “I know. I’ve been wracking my brain for some sort of idea to take this place up a notch, but I just haven’t been able to come up with anything yet.”
She smiled a weak smile, trying her best to stay optimistic in front of him. “I’ll think about it, and I’ll let you know if I come up with something.”
Eleven-thirty finally rolled around, and excitement zipped through her veins as she fished her car key out, ready to take off for the hour. Traffic was heavy as always, but not even that could bring her mood down today. Who knew a little impromptu fun could be so exhilarating? Perhaps she should’ve infused her life with a little spontaneity more often.
Jenna’s eyes zeroed in on Zach as she approached. Standing just out of reach of the blazing sun, he was fully engrossed in a conversation with a woman, presumably a customer.
Petite and short, her long ravenous hair flowed down her back in waves, nearly reaching the small of her back.
Coated with a sheen of sweat, Zach lifted the hem of his shirt and wiped his face, briefly exposing his lean, muscular chest. The quick preview sent a hot flush to Jenna’s cheeks.
Nothing seemed particularly out of the ordinary with their dialogue.
That is until the woman hugged him.
With her hands on his upper arms, she gazed at him longingly, like a character straight out of a cheesy, made-for-television movie. A pang of jealously shot through Jenna, twisting its way around her heart. It was such a foreign feeling, but it was there, settling relentlessly in her chest.
And then, to add insult to injury, the woman reached up on her tiptoes, hugging him again in an embrace so sickeningly sweet that even Willy Wonka would’ve had a hard time digesting it. Jenna’s heart twisted into knots.
What nerve!
What sort of customer would hug an employee like that? And why did he seem so eager to return her affections? Didn’t he realize how unprofessional that appeared?
Jenna had no claim to him, but the way her heart ached in her chest made her feelings about him even more raw and real.
And to think, she thought she had a connection with this man, this literal stranger she barely knew.
Yes, it served her right to think she knew him when they’d only just met. Truth be told, she didn’t really know him at all. And now it was more apparent than ever.
There was some sort of connection with those two, and she didn’t like it. Not one damn bit.
Rather than park her car and interrupt their merry little interlude, she hit the gas and didn’t look back. Now all she had to do was pray that he didn’t see her and that she’d slipped right under his radar. The last thing she wanted would be for him to have seen her cruising through the lot.
So much for spontaneity, she thought.
But at least now she knew the truth.
♥ ♥ ♥
Jenna had just made it back from lunch before her phone went off, and she didn’t have to guess who it would be. She glanced down at her phone, rolling her eyes in disgust as Zach’s name appeared on the screen.
Did you stop by earlier today? Could’ve sworn I saw you pull into the lot.
Nothing got past him, apparently. So much for staying under the radar, because even as engrossed in conversation as he appeared, the level of situational awareness he had was unparalleled.
“Any revelations come to you at lunch?” Nolan asked.
Jenna sighed, wishing she could muster the courage to have a better poker face. “Yeah, that men suck. Well, except for a few,” she added with a faint smile. No sense in painting everyone with the same color brush, even if she did feel like the entire male population was against her.
“Lunch date didn’t go well, I take it?”
She leaned back in her seat. “Lunch date didn’t even happen. Some woman was hugging all over him when I pulled into the lot. So, I just left.”
He arched a brow. “Without even inquiring who she was?”
She shook her head. “No. I know it sounds stupid, but part of me is afraid of what the answer would’ve been. I don’t think I could’ve handled it.”
“Well, it may have been hard to swallow at first, but it’s better to know the truth than to be kept in the dark.
Embarrassment rose in her cheeks. Maybe Nolan was right. Maybe she should’ve dug for the truth first. It really did sound stupid the more she thought about it.
“Yeah, and the worst part is, I know he saw me. He just texted me and asked if I stopped by earlier.”
“All the more reason, you need to talk to him and figure out what’s going on. You’ll know right off the bat if he’s telling the truth or not. You always have good intuition when it comes to people.”
If only she weren’t so afraid of the answer she might receive.
♥ ♥ ♥
Settling in again for another evening alone, Jenna retired to the couch early, curling up with a book while Toby nestled himself in her lap. “At least you aren’t a disappointment,” she said, running her hands through his fur. “Pets are never a disappointment, are they?”
He looked up, staring hazily to her eyes. Both of them were tiring quickly, and it was only a matter of time before one of the two of them fell asleep.
She was about to do just that when a loud knock rapped against the front door, and a man’s muffled voice came from the other side.
She sat up rigidly, her heart racing as she wondered who it could possibly be, especially at such an hour. She bolted to the door.
“How… How did you find me?” she asked, standing in awe as Zach stood looming in her doorway.
“You weren’t answering your phone, so I stopped by to talk to your boss. Nolan, isn’t it?”
Oh, she would definitely have some words for him for pulling a stunt like this. Dumbfounded, she stood in utter silence while her brain attempted to process everything.
“Yes, it is, but I still don’t understand. How did you get my address?”
“I asked him for it. I wanted to talk to you.”
Her irritation was rising by the minute now. “He had no right to give you that.”