Splashing Right In (Crescent Key Book 2) Read online

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  Not to mention how great the driver himself looked!

  “You made it shine like a diamond!” she exclaimed.

  Zach ran a hand across the car’s body. “I sure did. And, she is silky smooth to the touch.”

  Jenna arched a brow. “Really?”

  “I’m not lying. Touch it. I tried out a new brand of wax, and it’s supposed to protect it from grime for up to three washes.”

  She grazed her finger along the body, amazed at how glass-smooth it felt. “Wow. That’s incredible. You know, if I had a nicer car, I would buy some.”

  Zach leaned against the car, folding his arms across his chest. “Here, does this pose look good?” he teased.

  She smiled, and a slight flush heated her cheeks. “Like a photo from a postcard.”

  Pulling her camera out, she snapped several shots, each one with a little more artistic flair than the last. Passersby threw them curious looks as Zach posed against the car, beaming like a child on Christmas morning.

  “You’re a natural. You know that?” she asked.

  A look of skepticism clouded his face. “Somehow, I doubt that.”

  “I’m serious. The way you light up when you’re around this car… it really shines through in these photos. I’ll take a look at them when I get home and develop the best ones. That sound good?”

  “It does.” He grinned once more, making Jenna’s heart flip-flop in her chest. “I’m glad we came back out here.”

  Jenna smiled, knowing with all her heart that she felt exactly the same. The fun, the laughs, the beach... they had been the recipe for a perfect day.

  Zach’s hand slipped into hers. “What do you say we leave her here for a bit and head down for the sunset?”

  “I can’t think of a better way to end out the day.”

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  Exhausted in the best of ways, Jenna collapsed on the couch, and Toby nestled in beside her for yet another nap. She sank into the cushions, smiling as she replayed the day’s events. It had been yet another perfect day, filled with a mix of fun, laughter and beautiful weather. And last but certainly not least, great company, too. She’d enjoyed every second she’d spent with Zach.

  Sleep had almost taken hold when the ever-familiar pinging sound of an incoming text pulled her from her slumber. With a sleepy grin, she reached over, feeling a pang of disappointment as she read the screen.

  Don’t forget about Belinda’s party tomorrow. We would hate to miss you.

  Jenna rolled her eyes. Of course, her mother would miss her, but as for Belinda? Jenna knew she would care less.

  The scheme was simply a ploy by her mother and a thinly veiled one at that. Jenna had vaguely remembered her mother saying something about it, but every time she brought up Belinda or her son, the words went in one ear and out the other.

  Jenna’s mother may have had good intentions, but Brent wasn’t her type, and she’d always felt a strange vibe on the rare occasions she spent around him. Something didn’t feel right about him, but she could never quite put her finger on it.

  Perhaps it was the heavy-handed, domineering way he steered every conversation back to him. Or, it may have been the fact that on more than one occasion she caught him staring at her like a piece of meat.

  Yes, it was probably some combination of the two, and maybe a little more. And Jenna wanted no part of it. Belinda was a lovely woman, but Jenna refused to date anyone that didn’t meet her standards. She set the bar high long before she entered the dating realm.

  Even as a child, she fantasized about what her Prince Charming would be like and daydreamed about the happily-ever-after she would give anything to attain.

  And anything less than that was unacceptable.

  She flipped open the message again, resisting the urge to type out a snide response. An idea sprang to life in her brain.

  Maybe she really could play it to her advantage after all.

  Bringing a date would certainly be a great distraction and an excellent way to drive any matchmaking efforts away.

  Yes. This could actually work, she thought. It was the perfect plan, and it would be honest in the effort. No lie would need to be conjured up. Zach just had to show up, and his mere presence alone would speak louder than words.

  Perhaps then it would finally squash any fleeting hopes her mother still had pertaining to Belinda’s son.

  Or at least, she hoped.

  But will he agree to it? She paused for a moment, pondering the thought. They’d barely been dating. And though she felt close to him, were they close enough to take things to this level?

  There was only one way to find out.

  She just had to ask.

  She flipped on the screen, her fingers anxiously tapping out her idea, and the fateful response came minutes later.

  It’s short notice, but not a big deal at all. I’m happy to go with you.

  She breathed a sigh of relief. Perhaps this plan really could work.

  She’d find out soon enough.

  Noon rolled around quickly the next day, and before Jenna had time to breathe, Zach was there at her doorstep, ready to get the show on the road.

  “Well, don’t you look handsome!” she exclaimed as she opened the door. One glimpse at the smattering of dark hair peeking out for the top of his button-down linen shirt sent a wave of heat flooding Jenna’s cheeks.

  “Thank you. You look pretty fabulous yourself.” Wrapping his arms around her, he leaned in, pressing a warm, deep kiss to her lips. “I’m a very lucky man.”

  “You’re right, and don’t you forget it,” she laughed. “Ready?”

  “Oh, as ready as I’ll ever be,” he teased.

  Zach took her by the arm as they headed to the car, and happiness radiated through her like eternal light from the sun.

  “Belinda’s pretty nice, but just a heads-up, her son is… well, he’s a little strange.”

  “You’ll have to point him out to me when we get there.”

  She may have looked calm and collected on the outside, but as every mile passed, the ball of nerves in her stomach grew and grew, and unanswered questions flooded her brain.

  Will they like Zach? Will they finally leave me alone and stop trying to pry into my life?

  Yeah, fat chance of that happening, at least for the latter.

  “You seem a little quiet,” he commented. “Everything okay?”

  Jenna bit the corner of her lip. “Yeah, I just hope everything goes well. I really want them to like you.”

  “Plan on keeping me around, huh?” he joked.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. I plan on keeping you around for a very long time. Maybe even until your ears start drooping.”

  A burst of laughter escaped him at the mere thought, and Jenna laughed too, as the funny image came to life in her mind. And in their moments of shared laughter, the nervous energy faded away into the background.

  His levity truly was the best medicine.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  Belinda Maxwell’s little suburban home was just outside of Crescent Key’s city limits. With a lawn so well-manicured one would’ve sworn it was maintained on behalf of royalty, her home stood out like a gem, making every other home on the street pale in comparison.

  “Wow, this is a pretty well-kept place.” Zach pulled up along the curb, rolling the windows up. One could never be too sure of the sporadic Florida weather in summer, and the last thing he needed was a soaked seat.

  “Yeah, I shudder to think about what she spends on the landscaping. It’s probably more than what I make per month.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure it’s a pretty penny,” Zach remarked. “What does she do for a living?”

  Jenna shut the car door softly, and Zach took her by the hand as they headed up the drive. “Well, she’s retired now. She’s a widow, and her husband was an investment banker.”

  “Must be nice to be retired.”

  Jenna nodded in agreement. Oh, what she would give to spend her days basking in the

  That would be the life.

  She pressed the doorbell, peeking inside the window next to the door. “She’s coming,” she whispered.

  A look of amusement and surprise filled Belinda’s face as she opened the door. “Welcome, welcome! Jenna, it’s nice to see you again. And who might this be?”

  “Zach Williams,” he said, extending his hand. “Pleasure to meet you.”

  “Oh, the pleasure is all mine,” she said, ushering the couple inside. “I’m Belinda Maxwell, by the way.”

  The freshly polished floors gleamed like new, and every inch of the living space had been thoroughly cleaned from top to bottom in anticipation of the party guests.

  “You have a very beautiful home, Belinda.”

  Belinda beamed at the compliment. “Thank you. It’s always wonderful to hear that.”

  “You haven’t seen my mother, have you?” Jenna asked.

  Belinda paused for a moment, scanning the room. “I don’t believe she’s here yet. It’s a little surprising, really.”

  A ball of nerves knotted in Jenna’s stomach. Something about this didn’t feel right.

  Jenna glanced over at Zach, exchanging a look with him that only he could understand. “Will you excuse us?” she asked Belinda.

  They stepped out to the patio, where a few other couples chatted amongst themselves. Not a single person batted an eye as they stepped outside. They were lost in their own little worlds.

  And that was just fine by Jenna.

  Worry colored Zach’s face. “Is everything okay? You seem a little tense.”

  She pressed her lips into a thin line. “I don’t really know. This invitation just feels like a setup, like my mom just wanted to get me here to talk to Brent,” she seethed. “I don’t know what to do. Part of me just wants to leave. I mean, they’re not even here yet.”

  Zach put his hand to her shoulder. “Look, I respect whatever decision you make, but this could be a really good opportunity for you to show her how happy you are. How happy we are.”

  She glanced to the ground, feeling embarrassed that she couldn’t even stand up to her own mother, of all people. Why couldn’t she just tell her the truth and put her foot down for once?

  “You know what? You’re right. Now’s not the time to be a coward. I’ve bent to her will for way too long, and I need to stand up for myself.”

  “Are you sure this is what you want to do? I’m happy to take you home if you don’t want to stay.”

  She shook her head. “No. I need to stay. It’s time to draw my line in the sand.”

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  At last, Jenna’s parents arrived, and with the precision focus of a laser, Bonnie McAdams spotted her, and her eyes bulged wide as she took in the handsome stranger standing by her daughter’s side.

  “I’m so glad you came, dear. I didn’t realize you were bringing a guest.”

  Jenna glanced at Zach, beaming with pride as she made the introduction. “Mom, Dad, I’d like you to meet Zach, my boyfriend.”

  Another wave of surprise washed over her face. “Boyfriend, I see. I didn’t realize you were seeing anyone.”

  “It’s been fairly recent,” Zach added. “I’m glad to finally meet the two of you. Jenna speaks very highly of you.”

  “Indeed, she should,” her father said. “So, Zach, what do you do for a living?”

  Way to go for the jugular, Dad. A fresh wave of embarrassment swept across Jenna’s cheeks. Good grief. They couldn’t even make it thirty seconds into the conversation without him getting down to brass tacks.

  “Well, I’m a mechanic. I grew up around cars, and they’ve always been a passion of mine.”

  Her father’s eyes narrowed. “I see. Very well.”

  Jenna resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Perhaps with time, she could learn to stand up to her father as well. Lest she should forget, he was every bit as rigid as her mother at times.

  And at times, even more so.

  “So, tell me, dear, how did you two meet?” her mother asked.

  “We met at the animal shelter, actually. He was there the same afternoon I was.”

  “What a unique way to meet,” she added.

  A moment of awkward silence passed, and nervous smiles were exchanged. “May I have a word with you?” her mother asked. She glanced at Zach, then glanced back at Jenna. “Privately?”

  Jenna nodded, feeling a prickling sensation of alarm zip through her as the two slipped off to another room. Nothing good ever came from that phrase.

  She didn’t know what her mother was up to, but it made her feel uneasy, nonetheless. Her mother pulled the door shut behind her, leaning against it as she spoke.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about him? He seems like a very nice man. Why would you keep such big news from me?”

  Jenna sighed and took a deep breath. “Mom, you pick apart everything and everyone. I wasn’t sure how you’d react.”

  “Well, to be perfectly honest, I had every intention of getting you to talk to Brent today. You threw off my plans.”

  She shook her head. “Look, I know you really like Belinda, and you’ve been friends with her for a very long time. But, there just isn’t any chemistry between us, and quite frankly the way he stares at me and other women is a little… disturbing.” She nearly winced at the word, knowing how awful it must’ve sounded. “Haven’t you ever noticed how creepy he is?”

  “Well…” She paused for a moment, trying to choose her words carefully. “I don’t spend much time around him, so I wouldn’t be in the best place to judge that.”

  And that was Jenna’s point, exactly.

  “That’s my point, Mom. You don’t know that much about him. And what you do know are all the glowing things Belinda tells you. She’s his mom. Of course, she’s going to talk him up. That’s what most parents do.”

  Her mother shrugged, giving a half-hearted smile. “I suppose you have a point. I’m sorry, dear. I didn’t mean to be so hard on you about this. I just want you to be happy. I want you to find someone you are absolutely giddy with. Because if they don’t make you feel that way, it isn’t worth it.”

  Jenna held her hands up. “Trust me, there’s no shortage of giddiness when I’m around Zach. He always makes me smile. And laugh. It’s like living in a Hallmark movie, really.”

  Her mother wrapped her arms around her, squeezing her tight. “And that’s the best feeling in the world to have.”

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  “Well, you survived the day with my parents. I’d say you probably deserve a medal for that.” Jenna flopped down into the Mustang and kicked off her heels, letting her tired feet rest on the dash.

  “Oh, they weren’t that bad. I’ve been around more intimidating ones.”

  For some unexplainable reason, his words pricked at her like little needles as a wave of jealousy took hold. “So, this isn’t your first time meeting someone’s parents, I take it?”

  He shook his head. “No. It’s not. But, that’s in the past. I only want to focus on the future. Our future.”

  She looked at him wide-eyed. “So, even after today, you really think you can potentially handle a future with my family?”

  He let out a laugh. “Trust me, they really weren’t that bad. They want what’s best for you. That’s what any good parent should want for their kid.”

  She sighed, gazing absent-mindedly out the window. “I know. My mom seems to be more in favor of us than my dad is.”

  “Dads are always tough nuts to crack. He’ll get there. He just needs a chance to get to know me.”

  All of that made sense, but it still didn’t prevent the pang of anxiety from invading in her chest. “It will probably take some time before he comes around,” she warned.

  “For you, I have all the time in the world.”

  There was a moment of pause as Zach pulled up to Jenna’s house to drop her off, and though all was silent in the car, a touch of sadness could be felt. He wasn’t ready for the day to be over.
And truthfully, neither was she. No amount of time could ever satisfy the need to spend time in each other’s presence. A meet up for a few hours wasn’t nearly long enough.

  “Do you want to come inside?” she asked. “I’m not sure I’m ready for our date to be over yet.”

  He ran his hands along the rim of the steering wheel. “You know what? I’d love to.”

  Once inside, Jenna pulled down two glasses, filling each of them with her favorite red wine; the kind she reserved only for special occasions. It was a special occasion, after all.

  She’d finally stood up to her mother, and to her great surprise, it went far better than she’d expected. So much anxiety and worry had filled her heart, but in the end, all went well, and she was glad she’d broached the subject. She sat down on the couch and Toby followed closely behind.

  “I think he stole my spot,” Zach teased.

  “He’s good at doing that.” She ran a hand through his fur, and Toby gazed up at her, purring contently as she rubbed his ears. “Thank you again for coming with me today.”

  “The pleasure was all mine,” he said, taking a seat in the empty space next to her. “It was nice to meet your family.”

  “Even if my dad wasn’t exactly the friendliest?”

  “Of course, it was nice to meet him. You know, I’m thinking maybe next weekend the four of us should go out to dinner.”

  Jenna’s eyes went wide. “You’d be okay with that?”

  “Absolutely. How else will I get your dad to warm up to me?”

  Jenna sighed. “I’m hoping it won’t take long. I know it didn’t take long for me to warm up to you,” she grinned.

  Zach scooted in a little closer next to her, draping his arm around her. She leaned in, resting her head against his shoulder as she closed her eyes and replayed the day. Even with the little bit of awkward tension at first with her parents, it had still been a great day. Then again, she’d had many great days as of late. And the common denominator?

  Zach. Always Zach.

  “Something on your mind?” he asked.